
“Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.”—Mark 12:43-44

The DPC Stewardship Ministry addresses year-round giving, informs the congregation of financial needs, and oversees the receiving of annual commitments. In addition, the Stewardship Ministry plans and coordinates formal stewardship programs for our church like the Stained Glass Windows Campaign and funding for the new construction, and encourages stewardship in the family and home. We educate members about faithful giving, and promote involvement through the sharing of time, talent, finances and gratitude for all God has given us.

At DPC, we gather in the sanctuary each week, thanks to God and to the people who gave this church to us—men, women and children who came before us for 150+ years. Think a minute about what the church means in your life . . . maybe you were baptized or married here. . . or your children confirmed. Maybe this is where you engaged in a mission or grieved a loss. Maybe this is where you were ordained as an elder, served as deacon or worship and study with people who care and who you now call friends. Our gifts, like the generations before us, equip this Church to continue these holy ministries. Who will grow in their faith and have a sanctuary and staff for mission because of what we give to generations we might never see? This is an important consideration for us, as Christians. How can we continue to perpetuate God’s mission at DPC?

Annual Pledge Drive

Each year our annual pledge drive has a designated theme as detailed in a campaign booklet delivered to each member. We ask all of our worshiping community to thoughtfully consider the role our Lord would have finances play in our lives of faith and then make a responsible pledge to enable our ministry to remain strong in the year to come. We're asking all to please make a pledge and to remember the simple fact that financial support of the church is needed and does make our ministry possible!

To make a pledge each year, members are asked to bring the annual pledge card to worship on Pledge Dedication Sunday in November. If you cannot be present on that day, you may return it to the church office via the mail, place it in a Sunday offering plate on a Sunday following, or follow the link in the right-hand column to pledge on-line. 

Online Giving

Your dependable weekly, monthly, or quarterly gift provides the sound financial foundation that feeds our mission and ministry. Just as regular giving to a savings plan builds up our security for the future, regular automatic giving builds our generosity and the church’s financial health.

While some may prefer to drop a check in the plate each week, we offer this automatic giving option for those who want some help staying on their intended giving schedule.

Click the button below to donate online.


To make your pledge for 2025, click the button below then log in and choose "Giving" on the left-hand navigator; then click on the "Input Pledges" tab.


 For questions about online giving, email Rob Garretson at

Special Gifts

Beyond our annual campaign to support the operating budget, DPC supports additional methods of giving back to our community and the missions we support. Please check out "Mission" above for more information.

Gifts of Stock

It can be very beneficial from an income tax perspective to make gifts to DPC in the form of shares of stock or mutual funds that you own. If the security has appreciated since you bought it you would normally have to pay capital gains tax upon its sale. However, if you donate it directly to the church, you can receive a charitable contribution deduction equal to its current value but avoid paying the capital gains tax. As in all such matters, you should contact your tax advisor.

If you wish to donate a security, have your broker transfer it to:

Charles Schwab
Darnestown Presbyterian Church
Account #3336-8468

Please advise the church office when you make this donation so we can identify the stock received and ensure that your record of giving is updated appropriately.

Flower Donations

The flowers that add beauty to our Chancel every week are donated by members of the Church. Contact the church office if you would like to provide flowers anytime during the year. Flowers are often donated in memory or in honor of someone special. The actual flowers may be provided by their giver, or ordered at local florist who will deliver the flowers to the church. The following florists are familiar with providing flowers for our sanctuary and can help:

Beall’s Florist (now in Damascus, but they still deliver to DPC), 301-253-2840
Bethesda Florist 301 656-8200

If you have any questions, please contact or call the Church office (301-948-9127). We are thankful for all who provide flowers.

Easter Flowers - donate in person during the season in Fellowship Hall or the Church office, or donate on-line through Member Portal.

Christmas Poinsettias - donate in person during the season in Fellowship Hall or the Church office, or donate on-line through Member Portal.

Taylor Scholarships

The John K. Taylor Scholarship Fund was established through a generous gift of Helen Taylor. Interest from this gift is used to help youth of DPC who are attending college or graduate school. Currently there are five students receiving assistance from this fund. If you are interested in applying for this scholarship, you may contact the church office at 301-948-9127. Please note: this is a needs-based scholarship program.