Our Purpose: Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ
and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves
- to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study,
- to support the mission of the church worldwide,
- to work for justice and peace, and
- to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom.
All women of Darnestown Presbyterian Church are automatically members of DPW. We encourage you to join in all the DPW activities. If you would like the group to sponsor a speaker, launch a circle, start a study, consider a hands-on mission or any other new activity, please let us know — all ideas are welcome. We hope women of all ages will feel welcome to this fellowship. Circles are up and running. Please check the bulletin board in the gathering space for out latest activities and contact information for Board members and committee chairs.
DPW forms circles of women who are shaped around heartfelt needs that will achieve the purpose of Presbyterian Women.
A circle is:
- where faith is nurtured and growth
take place through worship, study, friendship and outreach - where women are challenged to stretch beyond their limits
- where women move beyond the safe places of life and reach out to others, and
- where Christian leadership is born, nurtured and sent forth into ministry
Mary Lydia Circle
We are currently a group of about 15 women, meeting at 10 a.m. on the first Thursday of the month in the Church Gathering Space. We use the Horizons Bible Study to lead us in our education and discussion. We are a friendly and fun group; new participants are welcome at any time! Please see the bulletin board in the gathering space for information about the current study.
Purl and Pray
This Circle currently meets via zoom but hopes to return to in-person meetings soon. Please see the monthly newsletter and bulletin for meeting times. They contribute many hours of knitting and crocheted items to those who are convalescing, to families at baptisms, and to grieving families. These ladies are amazing in their teaching skills and welcome anyone at any level of expertise. Totally wanting to learn,
- January - Epiphany Tea. A time of rest and renewal after the holidays; usually held at a DPC woman's home.
- Feb/March - annual Women's retreat. A time for women to gather and reflect on a chosen topic. Usually held at a hotel for 2 days; during covid held via zoom/at church.
- May/June - Garden Party. A Luncheon for all women and young ladies of the congregation and their friends.
- November - DPW Bazaar. Each November, DPW sponsors an annual Bazaar which raises funds for local, national, and international missions, as well as women's programs and church support.
Missions Supported by DPW
DPW is currently providing support to the following local missions:
DPW also supports National and International Missions:
- Days for Girls
- Generosity Global
- Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
DPW provides support to a number of funds sponsored by the National Capital Presbytery, PCUSA
- PW Together in Service
- Presbyterian Disaster Relief
- Presbyterian Medical Benevolence Fund
- Least Coin Offering
- Thank Offering
- Birthday Offering
Local Presbytery PW Support - DPW support for National Capital Presbytery Presbyterian Women on a per capita basis.
In addition, DPW sponsors many "hands on" missions throughout the year, gathering clothing, casseroles, school supplies, holiday gifts, etc., for those in need.