Fellowship & Care

Don't miss our large annual fellowship gatherings, but also consider getting involved in a smaller group ministry.

Darnestown Presbyterian Church offers a variety of opportunities for members and visitors to build connections and friendships beyond the traditional activities of worship, study and mission.  We look forward to sharing our faith and fellowship with all.

Annual Events

DPC makes great effort in arranging annual events that can be enjoyed by all ages.  From the good-hearted competition at the winter chili cook-off, to the fun and games at the fall church picnic, there is laughter and fellowship for all.keep an eye on the Weekly Updates and the Calendar for more information.

The Annual Welcome Back Picnic and Outdoor Worship are hosted by the Deacons every September. We have outdoor worship as our last single 9:30 a.m. service for the summer, followed by an all-church picnic.  Picnic fare and activities are planned and enjoyed by all.  Look for more information in the Sunday bulletin and sign-up sheets in August. Come worship and spend time together as we all gather in fellowship at the end of each summer.

The DPW's Annual Bazaar and Boutique is held each year in early November and involves almost everyone in the Church!  Women work all year preparing for the big day, and the men of the Church come out to support all the work to set-up and take down for the event.  Everyone has fun shopping on Bazaar day or enjoying the great home-made lunch.  Proceeds support missions and occasional Church projects.

Other fellowship events may include any or all of the following, and possibly others:

  • Deacon-sponsored Christmas Dinner

  • New Year's or Easter Brunches

  • Chili Cookoff

  • Youth-led Talent/Variety Show

  • Newcomers Dinner

  • Pancake Breakfast (to support summer mission trip)

  • Annual DPW Luncheon

Small Groups

DPC maintains an array of small groups that meet the needs of our members. Some groups are more active than others — with some meeting  weekly, others bi-weekly and a few monthly — and new groups are routinely added when interest is indicated by enough members of the congregation.  Some of our current groups include: 

Men's Breakfast - The men of the Congregation are invited to meet for breakfast on a Saturday once a month.  Please check the calendar and join us for an interesting and lively discussion of a new topic each month! 

Book Club "Read, Think, Dessert"-  Meets roughly once per month to discuss a monthly book selection, and to share dessert and tea.   

Thursday Morning Bible Study-  Meets in the Parlor from 9:30-10:45 am two Thursdays per month. 

Purl and Pray Group -  Meets for knitting, fellowship and prayer on the third Sunday of each month in the parlor following the late service. 

Darnestown Presbyterian Women - maintains an active calendar of events and activities for the women of the Church and their guests.

Congregational Care

Darnestown Presbyterian Church is a community committed to caring for members and neighbors. Care is provided through prayer, visitation, a card ministry, and other forms of service and support depending on the circumstances, including but not limited to: transportation and food. Both members and staff share in this ministry.  The pastors are available to counsel and give aid or referrals as well as to share resources about grief support groups as needed. Prayer requests, hospital visits, or requests for support during a time of grief or illness are always encouraged.

In addition, members of the Congregation are encouraged to help by providing rides and meals to those in need from time to time.

Contact Rev. Shelby Etheridge Harasty to share a request for care for yourself or for someone else or to volunteer to assist with providing services to others. Contact Shelby at or at 301-948-9127.

Emergency pastoral care

Every day a Pastor is available to respond to pastoral emergencies. Should an emergency arise during business hours, please call the Church office at 301 948-9127. If you are in need of emergency pastoral care after business hours, call 903-814-9343, and a Pastor will respond immediately. Examples of emergencies include death, illness, marital crisis, domestic violence, child abuse, or any other personal crisis.

prayer requests

DPC maintains and shares a prayer list of people who have asked to be lifted up in prayer in the weekly Sunday Bulletin. We will only list people who have given permission for their information to be shared.  Let us know if you would like to be added to the list and what information you would like to be shared.  Feel free to share a prayer request for someone but please only list people who have given their permission. To keep the list as current as possible, names will be deleted after one month unless otherwise requested. To send in a prayer request, contact Rev. Shelby Etheridge Harasty at .




Book Club


Youth Group