The Children's Sermon
2024 Community Service Fair
Rise Against Hunger 2024
Youth Group
Annual outdoor worship

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"Welcoming all, sharing Christ's love, and building community."
Join us in worship every Sunday at 10:30 AM, or watch our Livestream on YouTube.
Jr. Church is available for our young disciples (ages 5-10) following the Children’s Message, and Nursery Care is available every Sunday for kids up to 4. The final Sunday of every month is our intergenerational worship service. DPC’s Youth Group meets every Sunday from 11:45 AM - 12:30 PM led by Pastor Blake for youth ages 12-18. We now have a "Prayer Ground" in our sanctuary- a family-friendly area perfect for families with younger children. This is to the front of our sanctuary, in the west transcept. Feel free to use it as it suits your family!
Join us for Worship on Sunday, March 23, at 10:30 AM. In Presbyterian tradition the third Sunday of Lent is often marked by the Gospel reading of Luke 13:1-9, a time for reflection on the importance of bearing fruit and turning from sin towards abundant life in Christ, with an emphasis on repentance and spiritual renewal. Pastor Blake will be in the pulpit with his message “Bearing Abundance”.
The Lenten Adult Education Class continues on Sunday at 9:00 AM in the library and on Zoom. The class will be ‘Grieving Change and Loss: the unpredictable, nonlinear, faith filled journey towards resurrection.’ Please join us as we reflect on the five stages of loss described by Kübler-Ross to help make sense of emotions in our own lives and in this DPC community.
Palm Sunday Children's Choir! Children grades 1-5 are invited to sing in the choir at our Palm Sunday worship service! Rehearsals will immediately follow the postlude on 23 March, 30 March, and 6 April, and will last approximately 15 minutes. Practice recordings will be made available to parents to practice with their students at the first rehearsal.
DPW’s Annual Retreat: March 22. This year’s DPW (women's) retreat will be held at Lakewood Country Club in Rockville. This is a once-a-year chance to step outside the regular church environment with a special day for spiritual growth. The speaker will be Pastor Yena Hwang, the Senior Pastor of Falls Church Presbyterian in Virginia where she leads with a heart for transformation and community growth. Our theme is: Sacred Stories – Brokenness to Belonging.
Darnestown Annual Easter Egg Roll- Sunday, April 6, 2-4 pm. Save the date and bring your friends! Our church campus will again host this now annual celebration. Join us for pictures with the Easter Bunny, face painting, crafts, egg roll, egg hunt, bunny hop cake walk, sweet treats, and flowers from Pleasant Hills Farm! Co-Sponsored by Darnestown Presbyterian Church and Darnestown Civic Association.
Rise Against Hunger food packing event- April 26! Join us on Saturday April 26 (10am-noon) in Fellowship Hall to pack food for Rise Against Hunger, an international organization that delivers food to communities most in need. We anticipate a large turnout and must cap the number of participants at 125, so don't delay! http://events.riseagainsthunger.org/DarnestownPres
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